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The Master's Piece


Maintain Your Fitness to Avoid Any Sickness

As a certified Personal Trainer, I am constantly assisting clients who battle with several

illnesses/diseases, such as: Heart Disease, Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, and

Diabetes. Maintaining with your fitness can even help prevent one of the most common genetic

diseases today better known as Cancer. Fitness should be a part of your daily lifestyle, just as

any other daily activity or hobbies you may have.

One of the most popular questions I come across regarding fitness is, what is the best way

to maintain it? Well, maintaining it is quite simple, some of us have quite a busy schedule in this

day and age so going to the gym to exercise daily is not always possibility. Here’s a list of things

that you can do throughout your day, even when you can’t go to the gym to exercise or even

exercise at home to stay fit:

* Eat Healthy: Eat a variety of foods that give you the nutrients needed including, protein,

carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals.

* Take the Stairs: Stair climbing exercises our bones and muscles, which improves

strength, bone density and muscle tone.

* Ride a Bike: Cycling improves strength, balance and coordination.

* Take Community Jogs/Walks: Help maintain weight.

As you can see these are all great ways to maintain your fitness, on a daily basis.

Don’t create any excuses to avoid maintaining your fitness, because the illnesses/diseases won’t make any to avoid you!


Ms. Mirlene is a personal fitness instructor. If you would like more information, you can find her on Facebook.


  (C) 2016 by The Master's piece

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